Gurupurnima day was celebrated on 5th July here at Anandadham . From 5.30 a.m to 8.00a.m there was the regular Ganapathi homam and Srichakra Puja which is performed on all ( full moon ) purnima days.In the Dakshina hall.
In another hall (Sarada) , Gurupurnima was celebrated following the direction of the headquarters, with a few about 15 members which included mainly Yogavarga participants. The programme began with Shanti path and Aikya Mantra,followed by introduction by Sri Sudhakarji.Gurustotrmwas sungformthepadavali .Mananeeya Didi's blessings on the occasion was followed by pushparchana and meditation.Programme ended with Kendra prarthana.Prasad was served to all who were present This programme went LIVE on Facebook and YouTube. Many of the yoga students joined the live programme.A total of nearly 70 people joined in the programme Details are:
- Smt Suja ( yoga varga Pramukh) and Vighnesh( Y.C.C) with 5 sanskar varga children in Suja's house
- Another group of 5 families ie. 20 people in Thrissur
- A second groupof 5 families ( aproxm. 20 people) at Urakam,Thrissur

2 families ( 8 people)in Kara and 4 (16 people) families in Edavilangu, could not join because of poor net connection.They celebrated on their own according to the guidelines given by kendra through Smt Suja.
Names of the prize winners for the online competitions held on the occasion of International Yoga Day were announced.
Out of the 35 participants who participated in the various competitions meant for all age groups from LKG to adults. 10 of them were declared as prize winners. In the story telling group consisting of LKG to Class I students, 5 of them from 4 different schools were the winners.In the Yogasana competitions the1st group consisting students of class II to class VI, 2 children were winners; the 2nd group consisting students of class VII to XII ,2 children were declared winner sand in the Adults group meant for the age group above 20 years ,only one participant was the winner. In all 10 schools participated in the first three groups. All the participants received E certificates .