The house to house Devi Bhagavata Parayana yagna was brought
to fitting "finale" on 21st February at Ananda Dham in the Holy
presence of Revered Sanyasin Samhitanandaji of Chinmaya Mission, Thrissur.

few of the members from the families where Parayana was conducted were present
on the occasion. The Programme started at 10 am with the reading by all who
were present from the Devi Mahatmya of chapters 5 to 11. In the august presence
of Revered Swamiji all the members took part in the Sri Lalita Ashtothra
chanting followed by participants. Rev Swamini then spoke about the importance
of such Satsanghs in purifying not only our minds but also the entire
surroundings. All living things around would be drenched in the Divine
vibrations of such chantings, she pointed out. Then followed the Arati and all
the devotees has Amritha bhojan along with Rev Swamini. The third round of
parayana yagna would start after the Bhagavata Saptaha Yagna at Ananda Dham
from 15th February to 24th.