On 18th November both elderly QCI students
and Samskarvarga children paid their homage to Ma. Eknathji by pushparchana. Jeevanvrathis,
Su. Nilakshididi from Odisha Prant and Sri Srinivasji from Andhra and Telengana
Prant were present on the occasion. Sri Sudhakarji spoke to the members about
the nature of the ‘ leader’in Ma. Enathji.

Ma Eknathji’s Birthday was also celebrated on the same day by
Sandeepani Sishuvihar too. The parents, tailoring unit students, yoga varga
members assembled at Dakshina hall of Ananda Dham to celebrate the event. All
Children were well prepared to play their own role.
teacher, inmate of Anandadham, welcomed all the above for the function. The
programme started with the prayers by all in unison. Master Arav and Agneya set
the tone of the function with their brilliant performance former dressed as Ma.
Eknathji and the latter as Swamiji. All the children were dressed as
Ma.Eknathji, supported them with their part, reciting from memory, short
paragraphs from the Sadhana Oru Tapas (Sadhana of Service –Malayalam version).
Ma Lakshmi Didi in her talk explained how Ekanathji made an impossible task
possible and built the Memorial in short span of time an encouraged all who
were present visit Kanyakumari to have firsthand experience. The programme
concluded with paying floral tributes to Ma. Eknathji and chanting of Shanti