10th DECEMBER ’20: Every year Paravur Peruvaram Mahadeva temple conducts spiritual discourse in the mandala season. This year on 10th December at 7 p.m. in an online meet,  Mananeeya Lakshmi Didi gave a talk on Swami Vivekananda’s message. Didi especially stressed on the fact that each work one does helps to raise one’s physical, mental and spiritual levels to higher plains and at the same time helps to develop the society.45 people attended .


sadhana divas

 Sadhana Divas was celebrated through a Webinar in Zoom in the morning from 10.30 a.m .It was a one and a hours program, kept for the contestant students of the All India online Quiz competition held in the the first week of November . Mananeeya Nivedita Didi , All India Vice president of Vivekananda Kendra Kanyakumari was the Chief Guest . 130 students and teachers and guardians attended the webinar from all over India. To take a given task seriously and with all conviction was what Mananeeya Nivedita Didi stressed while talking to the students. Ma.Lakshmi Didi, Director VKVVF, in her benedictory address spoke about the glory of India and why Swamiji loved India. A short video snippet on quotes of Mananeeya Eknathji by the tiny tots of Sishuvihar Kodungallur was shown . Prize winners of the Quiz were announced . VKV Vivek Vihar Arunachal Pradesh secured the first position followed by Bharatiya Vidya Bhavan Elamakkara Kochi in the second position and 2 consolation prizes for students of VKV NEPCO Yazali and VKV Vivek Vihar. Programme ended with Kendra Prarthana. In the evening from 3 .30 pm to 5 p.m there was a gathering of about 20 memberes consisting of the first and second batches of YCC and YIC students and other local Karyakartas at Anandadham VKVVF. On the auspicious occasion of Sadhana Divas Ma. Didi spoke on the importance of the day. Certificates were given to the 6 YCC students who successfully concluded their course and had submitted their project works to Headquarters Kanyakumari. As they would be regarded as eligible teachers from now on they were honoured with a ponnada or shawl and as they would be spreading the enlightening messages of Swamiji and Eknathji , they were also presented with a lighted lamp each.

New students for non residential course of YCC and YIC were also registered .5 students have agreed to take up yoga course.The programme ended with Kendra Prarthana.

sishudinam and deepawali celebration

 Early morning after Yoga Varga, Mananeeya Didi addressed the yogavarga members on the occasion od Deepawali. The significance of the day was explained by Didi. This day marked the victory of Sri Krishna over Narakasura the asura ruler of Pragjyotishpur now Assam and the second significance is that on this day
Lord Sri Rama returned to Ayodhya after his victory over Ravana the King of Lanka. In both cases it symbolises the victory of good over evil.
There was distribution of sweets  after the programme.

                                                                     At 10 a.m the teachers of Sishuvihar  had arranged a Zoom Meet for the students and parents to celebrate Children's' Day . There w
ere songs and poems, short speeches on 'Chacha Nehru' and dressed like Chacha Nehru , all the tiny tots entertained the audience through their Zoom Meet . Around 30 families watched  their performance. Their Jaya teacher patiently anchored the programme.
                                                                     At 6.30 p.m. on the same day, to celebrate Deepavali a unique online Bhajan Sandhya in Google-Meet , because only the little ones of LKG to Class VI were the singers  Little ones of VKV Kallubalu and the Ex students of Sishuvihar sang very well and sanctified the atmosphere. Mananeeya Didi and Sushree Radha Didi delivered their messages of Deepavali. To start start the bhajan , the shanti mantra and aikya mantra was chanted by Kum.Vijayalakshmi of LKG of VKV Kallubalu and to end the bhajan Sandhya the Kendra prarthana was chanted by Kum Avyaya of class V. Everyone enjoyed inspite of the the virtual world.

7th November Weeklly Swadhyaya

       On November 7th Saturday, in the online    swadhyaya class titled 'Meditation on  Swamiji,'                         Srimad Swami Veerabhadranandaji, in charge of Ramakrishna Math Haripad was the speaker. Quoting from the reactions of some of the famous personalities, on Swami Vivekananda's life's events and his message  who hold swamiji as a life guiding star eg  Mr Shukorno -the President of  Indonesia who doesnot complete his day without reading Swamiji.Dr Manmohan Singh -ex-Prime Minister of India referred to Swami Vivekananda as 'the tallest man  of the miienium'.
Swamiji commanded reverance wherever he went. Mary luis Burke wrote in her book 'New Discoveries' said that whenever he walked in the  streets of America , there was not a person who stopped and looked at the majestic figure of Swamiji. The reason for this reverance is because Swamiji's talking and walking mingled beautifully. His life's events are like motivating capsules for all types of people. 
Hence this study session would   deal with events of Swamiji's life under the title 'Swami Vivekananda glows in human relationship'
The multidimensional personality of Swami Vivekananda would be studied. Relationship is a mirror reflecting ones beauty and one can correct and improve oneself looking at the mirror. Inter personal relationship becomes smooth and harmonious. Hence in the study session we shall see how multi Swamiji got related to all - with  nature, with Guru, with our country, with the world countries. 
Rev.Veerabhadranandaji narrated three incidents.
 First one was   how young Vivekananda known as Narendranath saves a poor classmate of his from loosing his future career.The feeling for other people was what Swamji had right from his childhood.That was what Swamiji mentions 'feeling from the heart', finding solution and then executing the solution makes one a real patriot.                                               
Second incident of Swamji's relation with humans was when after becoming famous in USA, a negro man came to shake hands with the Swami, he readily did it. When asked for the reason Swamiji replied that the Nigger was also his brother. 
The third incident was of the incident of the man who ran to Swamiji asking for  forgiveness since  he had been forced to poison the drink which was meant for Swamiji  when Swamiji visited the Church on invitation. Though Swamiji had not could not touch that drink since he felt that his Guru didn't want him to. The answer given to the man by Swamiji proved the magnanimity of Swamiji when he advised the man to promise  never to indulge in such acts again, saying this Swamiji just turned and left.              


Ganapathi Homam and Bhajan Sandhya

  31st October:Every Purnima day, there is                     special Ganapathi Homam and Sree                             Chakra  Pooja as is performed regularly on every
                                                                                Purnima day..In the evening an online bhajan Sandhya was conducted by 
Vivekanananda Kendra Vedic Vision Foundation (Vibhag: Kerala; Project : Kodangullur )  As part of the regular Bhajan Sandhya on all Purnima Days by Vivekananda Kendra- Kerala Vibhag, this time the lead was taken up by Kodangullur on Oct 31st, Saturday from 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm. 
The occasion was also used to celebrate Valmiki Jayanti with almost 31 participants.                                 Bhajan Sandhya was charged with extremely soothing and calming devotional songs and popular songs.The details as follows:
Anchoring: Kum.Drishya.
Talk on Valmiki Jayanti by Ma.Dr.Lakshmi Kumari Didi
Guru Sthothram - Kalyani Didi 
Guru Bhajan: Kum. Kokilla 
Ganesha Bhajan: Kum.Malavika
Shiva Bhajan: Kum. Gopika
Devi Bhajan: Kum. Sreelakshmi 
Ram Bhajan  : Kum. Sreelakshmi 
Krishna Bhajan : Kum.Malavika
Mishra Bhajan: Kum. Gayathri                                                                                                                  Nirvanashatakam: Priya Didi
Meditation with Shaanti Mantra  : Ma.Radha Didi
Kendra Prayer : Sutapa Didi.                              


                                                                                                                                       Weekly Online Swadhyaya on every Saturday from 5pm to 6pm on Swamiji, titled 'Meditation on Swamiji' started with the inaugural session on 10th October. 145 participants from All over India and abroad have registered . Ma.Didi laid the foundation by taking   three consecutive classes . In her  three classes starting from 17th October, on 24th October and the third on 31st October ,Ma. Didi spoke on Swamiji as 'Vishwa Bhanu',  the one who enlightens the world, 'Vishwamitra' the friend of all and ' Vishwa Guru', the Universal teacher.


On 26th October, 30 children mostly Sandeepani Sishuvihar's LKG and UKG tiny tots , ex students and other local children from the neighbourhood came by 6.30 a.m, at Anandadham to take back their books they had kept before Mother Saraswati on Ashthami day for Her blessings. 

After completing the ritual of writing 'Hari Srhi Ganapataya Namaha ' on raw rice either with the help of ma.Didi or their parents the tiny tots got their books form their teacher , enjoyed Devi's prasadam and then went back by 7.30 a.m.

Ofcourse mask and social distancing was strictly followed during the ritual , by the tiny tots and their parents .


A fortnight session(3rd October to 18th  October 2020) from 5.30am to 6am at Anandadham ,on Pranayama and Omkar dhyana conducted by Sri Sudhakarji  .Total attendance  20

Vishwabhanu Aug'20 - Sep '20

Vishwabhanu Aug'20 - Sep'20 



Online celebration of Gandhi Jayanti was enthusiastically celebrated by the teachers and tiny tots of Sishuvihar. Little Abhijit of UKG dressed as Gandhiji gave his message to all others. !3 students and their family members attended. Ex students too participated along with their families . Smt Jaya Radhakrishnan, favorite of the tiny tots conducted the programme. Children either sang songs or talked about Gandhiji. Lastly Ma. Didi talked to all the children and their parents. 

All the tinytots seemed so much at home with the Online ways! 



On 6th September the director of Centre for Policy and Devvelopment Studies Sri Arun Lakshman invited   Ma.Didi along with Ma.Balakrishnanji –all India President of Vivekananda Kendra and S Sethumadhavan –Akhil  Bharatiya Karya Karya Sadasyan, RSS  in a Webinar.In the  programme Ma Balkrishnanji and Ma LakshmiDidi  shared thoughts on ‘ Glorious fifty years of  Vivekananda Rock Memorial ‘in a webinar  arranged by Sri Arun Lakshman  journalist and Director of Centre for Policy and Development Studies(CPDS).

Man Didi addressed a webinar organised by Adhyatma Seva Kendra on 11th September. The Topic was Yogeswara Sri Krishna and Swami Vivekananda as Master Teacher. In all 80 people participated in the webinar, Presidential address  on  Zoom on 11th September from 6.30 pm.for the Valedictory ceremony  of month long Global Festival of Divinity in Humanity named 'Krishnam Vande Jagadgurum' organized by the Curator of the festival,  Dr A.Subramanian of  Adhyatma Yoga Academy and  Advaity Academy, Bangaluru. 80 people attended .

Universal Brotherhood Day celebration



Preparations for Universal Brotherhood Day started well before September. Online Competitions were kept for the school students and also for the adults. 
1) All Kerala Elocution competition in Malayalam based on the Chicago speech of Swamiji was for the classes V to VII; Elocution competition in ENglish was for the High school students from class VIII to X. 
2) All India Quiz competition in English  was designed for the students of classes X, XI and XII. Topic was based on the videos of Ma.Lakshmi Didi on  series of  her talks on 'Love India as Swamiji loved Her'
3) All India Essay competition in English,Hindi or Malayalam for adults from 19 years to 30 years. The topic was similar to the quiz competition. 
    140 students registered for the elocution competition out of which 63 students sent their videos. 16 students from 5 different schools around Kodungallur  were from the junior section and 47were senior students from 13 different schools of Kodungallur , Thiruvananthapuram, Thrissur and Ernakulam.

    267 students registered for the Quiz and 113 only could appear online for the Quiz comppetition. Among them 250 students were from 21  VKVs of Arunachal Pradesh, 8 were from 3 VKVs of Assam, 2 were fro VKV Kallubalu  and the rest were Govt school students of Arunachal Pradesh( 3 students) and other schools of Maharastra( 4 students)
    121 participants registered for the essay competition.Out of them only 61 submitted their essays. Out of them 55 participants were from the different VKVs of Assam and Arunachal Pradesh and the rest from Bihar, Uttarakhand, Maharastra and Kerala.

On  11th September , Universal Brotherhood Day was celebrated in two sessions one in the morning from 10 a.m to 11.15 am and the second session from 4pm to 5.15 pm. Both were online sessions through Google Meet.
    For the first session Mananeeya Balakrishnanji , All India President of Vivekananda Kendra, was the Chief Guest. Attendance was more than 250 , hence many had to watch through You-tube link.Participants included that of Essay , Quiz and other local welwishers. Sushree Radha Didi - Sanghatak of Dakshin Pranta, introduced Mananeeya Balakrishnanji and Ma. Didi. Ma.Balakrishnanji was very pleased to see many  VKV teachers among those who attended the Meet and addressed the audience after Mananeeya Didi's introductory speech. After this  the Winners of the essay competition were declared. All the three winners of the First , Second and Consolation positions were VKV teachers. Essay written by Su. Sanchita Roy of VKV Doyan -Nagaland was  chosen to be the best among the 61 essays.
As for the online Quiz, it was unanimously decided that a second round of the same would be conducted in the month of November and winners declared on Sadhana Divas.Many of the 267 students who had registered , could not appear for the quiz for various reasons.
     For the second  session in the evening from 4pm to 5 pm was arranged for the all Kerala participants. Dr T.P.Sasikumar , a Space scientist by profession and a close well wisher of Vivekananda Kendra,was invited as the Chief Guest. 65 people attended.Ma. Didi and The Chief Guest  Dr T.P . Sashikumar was introduced and welcomed to the session by Sushree Radha Didi.After a short address by Ma. Didi and an inspiring talk by Dr Shashi Kumar, the prize winners of the elocution competitions were declared.  Kum Rithupurna of Class VI from Bharatiya Vidya Bhavans Kodungallur from  the junior section and Kum. Sanjana of Class VII from Arya Central School, Tvm, from the senior were declared as First prize winners of the elocution competitions. Cash prizes of Rs 1000/- for the first prize winners, Rs 750/- for the second prize winners and Rs 500/- for the third prize winners, will be received by the winners.A follow session every month with Dr TP Sasikumar is being thought of for the participating children, which will help them in their journey ahead.

Sri Krishna Jayanthi Celebration.


10th September was the auspicious day of Sri Krishna Jayanthi. This year was totally different because there were no tiny tots parading the campus of Anandadham dressed as Little Krishna and Gopikas. Little Krishnas could not come out of their houses.Parents could only send the photographs and videos of their wards in different poses. Children from 2 months to 12 years were all dressed as Krishnas or Gopikas and their parents witnessed their naughty pranks .
 In the evening an online Bhajan Sandhya was arranged through Google Meet.55 people watched the programme. The youngsters of Kodungallur , budding vocalists and children of Yoga Varga team were the singers .Apart from songs , there was a talk by  Mananeeya Didi on the significance of that day and a session on meditation taken by Sushree Radha Didi, Dakshin Pranta Sanghatak.
The  singers who sanctified the atmosphere with their melodious voices singing in praise of Sri Krishna were Kum Meera, Kum Malavika,  Kum,SreeLakshmi and Sri Vyshnav.Guru bhajan was sung by Su.Kalyani Didi - Nagar Sanghatak of VK Trivandrum branch and Ganesha bhajan by Smt Krishnapriya.